Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So Much to Love...

I'm acutely aware of the rich abundance that is my life these days.  I'm noticing the people that I'm meeting, the opportunities that are unfolding, and I am seeing co-creation in action.  I'm tearing up about all of the goodness and magical wonder on a regular basis, which is always a good sign--my tears are always a product of abundant overflow within me and around me.

Yesterday, I found myself sitting down with a new friend and colleague and being in awe of his loving spirit, in awe of his desire to give, and in awe of his solid trust in the positive unfolding of his life.  At the end of our connection I experienced him uttering the words, "My last question for you is: What are some other ways that I can help you?"

I found myself walking away from this meeting feeling full--of gratitude, of love, of possibility.  What this lovely person didn't know at the time that he asked me this question (at least know consciously, that is), is that for a month or two now I have been verbalizing to loved ones that I'm learning how to ask for help, that I'm opening myself to receiving support, that 2011 is going to be about support and collaboration for me. I couldn't help but notice that this kind of question, "How can I help you?" has been showing up in my life in many forms lately.  I experience this as a response to this exciting shift that is happening inside of me--I am opening myself to become a true receptacle, and in turn I'm discovering a new overflow inside of me.  I'm feeling excited about my life in ways that I haven't felt in a long time.  I'm feeling connected to the Divine.  I'm trusting.  I'm believing in the power of my own actions in relationship to this flow of support.

And from this place, I couldn't help but notice all of the people it took--amazing, overflowing people--and small, courageous choices that it took me to get to this meeting with this one loving person.  I started going backwards and found that there was this connective chain of glorious people and choices that I've been acting upon that date back years and years.  As I've chosen to move in the direction of that which brings me the most joy, I've made connection after connection that continues to move me forward, to give me the resources that I need to give my unique gifts to the world.  Hallelujah.  When I open me eyes to see the interconnectedness of all that is, I can't help but discover that I live an abundant existence. 

Wishing the same abundant goodness for you!

:)Melissa Simonson
Astrology Coach, Inspirational Speaker,
and Singer-songwriter

©2010 Melissa Simonson

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem!--as long as you use this entire blurb with it: As an Astrology Coach, Speaker, and Singer/Songwriter, Melissa Simonson sees it as her life's work to be an authentic expression of her inner truth, and to assist others in being the same. Melissa creates a space of fun and acceptance as she invites her clients to discover the extraordinary within their everyday lives. By asking powerful questions and bringing the spiritual down to earth through her own stories, she helps individuals realize that joy and abundance are not impossible to obtain, but rather a birth-right that we can realize at any time. To learn more, visit: www.igniteyourvoice.com

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